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Antimicrobial Copper CuLean®

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Germs to include bacteria, viruses and fungi are everywhere and can survive on most surfaces for many months. Studies have shown that up to 80% of germs are transferred by touch, resulting in thousands of people getting sick each year, even in places they think are safe such as hospitals. To combat the transfer of germs, Black Iron Strength® offers CuLEAN® Antimicrobial Copper touch surfaces by CuVerro® on their products and equipment. It is simply the best material for all surfaces as bacteria cannot thrive or survive on it.

Featured Customers

Check out a few of the Black Iron Strength® customers who chosen to outfit their weight rooms with CuLEAN® Antimicrobial Copper touch surfaces by CuVerro®.

Also In the News

Ever wonder how dirty the weight room is? Learn how copper can make a difference. Check out recent articles in the news from independent sources.